Friday, 20 July 2007

crisp white shirt.

It's the last day I'll ever wear a WHITE shirt. Ever.
After all the drama, I actually feel that I have accomplished something in a year and have totally felt that I am moving on from where I am now.

It started out as a pep talk, with our form tutor, summing up our year and telling us how great we've been. We never expected it to be as dramatic as it truned out to be. As we placed our selves in our PSE, out of nowhere, and something we have never expected. He started to say, how he was never meant to say it, and the headteacher didn't agree with whatever he aws going to do. After an endearing speech that sent everyone to a mixed persona of boredom and confusion, before you know it he was mentioning names of those he thinks are model students and those he would be so proud of and would be happy to have as his own child. It's creepy, but there you go.

Another year, and I realised how fast this year has gone, every single coursework done and out of sight. Mock exams out of the way, but brace myself for the real ones. It's the first time I thought that I'm getting old and I need to sort myself out. It would be my last year in school and I need to make the best out of it. We'll give it another shot and take the exams, the stress, the courseworks and waterfights to give another whirl. It wouldn't hurt a fly. My head was spinning in thinking about all I've gone through and felt my head go "oooooh".

The reminder of blue shirts didn't make it any better, just the thought that you'd be head of the school apart from sixth formers. Mr. Earp dropped us cozz he doesn't think we're "motivating" enough to handle. He lost our form, but he gained our sisters. What a pratt. Seriously. Going from 11s to 8t. Clever you.

He left us with the words..

"It's not you, it's me"

No folks, it's not Hollyoaks. I could have had the 100% attendance award. Missed it by one day. What a shame really. Assembly done, Mr. Earp babbled, Khanh cried because of Mr. Earp babbling, Ms McCauley introduced to us (she knew I was Emilyn's sister :S) and word about blue shirts is released. I need to get them from Mark's and Spencer.

It's all about hot chocolates and snuggling in the sofa.
Oooh yess. Bring on the summer.

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